Catch some Z's - Sleep for Restoration
![]() Most people need about 8 hours of sleep to properly rejuvenate. Sleep helps balance hormones, especially hunger hormones which can help with weight management. Sleeping is not over-rated! Waking up from a good nights sleep can set your mood for the day. During sleep, blood pressure is decreased and your heart gets a chance to rest so to speak. Transitioning through circadian sleep cycles allows your body and brain to communicate conscious and unconscious thoughts. This processing allows your stress to be released the natural way. You heard it here, sleep your stresses away! As we catch some Z's, we unconsciously consolidate and revisit our daily thoughts and experiences from our 'awake' periods which in doing so helps solidify our memory. This consolidation process during sleep acts to improve memory, brain processing, and learning. A tired and sluggish mind is not as alert and attentive as a well rested mind. Sleep is our outlet for restoration, recovery, and healing. A 2010 study found that C-reactive protein, which is associated with heart attack risk, was higher in people who got 6 hours or less of sleep per night. Sleep lowers the body's inflammatory response and in doing so lowers your risk of getting a stroke, heart disease, inflammatory diseases, and diabetes. The next time you are low on energy, try sneaking in a short nap. Efficient or 'power naps', I like to call them can quickly help re-charge your battery. Sometimes our bodies just need a little time to decompress and relax. A short nap can help take your mind off of the daily grind and re-focus your thoughts and attention. With this said, a power nap is not a 2+ hour daily nap; be effective with your time and sometimes the best time management involves a little snooze. By: Albert Huang, DC
To Gluten, or not to Gluten?
![]() To Gluten, or not to Gluten?- that seems to be the question these days. Odds are you have heard about Gluten, and due to the vast amount of varying information out there you may still be wondering what it’s all about. If you are like me and a few foodie friends of mine you know it’s a protein found in foods processed from wheat and related grain species, including barley and rye. If you’re like my cousin you may be thinking, “Isn’t that a thing found in carbs that is suppose to be unhealthy for you?” And if you’re like my dad, you may think something like “that sounds like the technical term for your bum muscles…”, sorry dad, that’s a different article entirely, back to gluten: Over the past few years there has been an increased awareness and adoption of wheat and gluten free diets. Some of the perceived benefits of a wheat or gluten free diet include, alleviation from chronic stomach pains, bloating, heartburn, joint pains, headache, skin rashes, fatigue, insomnia and brain fog. People adopt a gluten free diet for various reasons: some are diagnosed with Celiac’s or have wheat sensitivities, others are trying to lose weight, and others still claim that a gluten free diet has improved their health even though they test negative to Celiac Disease. More and more health professionals are recognizing something called non-celiac gluten-sensitivity. The difference between non-celiac gluten-sensitivity and Celiac’s is that people with non-celiac gluten-sensitivity have celiac-like symptoms but no autoimmune reaction to gluten. This means that they may experience the exact same symptoms as those with Celiac’s from eating gluten, yet currently there is way to detect the illness except by eliminating gluten and seeing if the symptoms resolve. Assessing your body’s response to gluten is therefore best done by eliminating gluten for a few weeks and gradually re-introducing it. If the symptoms disappear and then re-appear, it could mean you have non-celiac gluten-sensitivity. In this case, you may want to talk about how to start an elimination diet with your health professional. What about healthy individuals without sensitivity to gluten- is a gluten free diet a healthier option? While it is often thought that the gluten free diet is healthier for the entire population, there has been no credible research on a cause and effect relationship between wheat free/gluten free diets and our health. Further, the weight loss/gluten relationship is more complex then most of us understand; individuals with a gluten free intolerance or Celiac’s typically lose weight prior to following any treatments because of their digestive issues affecting absorption, and in fact typically gain weight once following a gluten free diet. Furthermore, while there are healthy gluten free options available, many gluten -free packaged products are often high in saturated fat, sugar and sodium. Many gluten free products also have less fiber and fewer vitamins. With that said, those who must follow a gluten free diet for medical reasons can eat healthfully on a gluten free diet with some planning and education, however, healthy individuals not needing to follow a gluten free diet for any particular reason are probably better off not adopting this diet. Talk to your nutritionist and health professional about what the best fit for you is. - Elis Halenko, R.D 9 Quenching Reasons to Stay Hydrated!
![]() Summer is here! Gorgeous, sunny, hot weather, and everyone wants to be outside and enjoying it, so stay hydrated! It’ll keep you cool, strong, sharp, healthy and in a good mood right through the summer! Here are a few reasons to stay hydrated… #1. Weight Loss! Drink water instead of pop or juices, which are filled with a lot of sugars, chemicals and calories! Water helps your body flush out the byproducts of the fat breakdown, it doesn’t have all the empty calories that juices and pops do and it flushes out other toxins that your body naturally wants to get rid of. What else does this help you with… #2. Great Skin! Drinking water keeps your skin moist, supple, elastic and bright. It also lessens the signs of aging, the risk of developing dry skin problems and infection. #3. Strong Muscles! Staying hydrated is key in helping to keep those muscles moving and strong! This is because water helps carry oxygen to your muscles, so that they can work hard for you, when you need them to! #4. Improved mood and brain function! Water is essential for optimal brain health and function! By the time you feel thirsty, this means you are dehydrated and have potentially lost a significant amount of brain function. Dehydration can result in fatigue, dizziness, poor concentration and reduced cognitive abilities! Yikes! #5. Temperature Control! This important in the summer months, with the warmer temperatures! The evaporation of the sweat on your skin, allows your body to balance it’s delicate internal temperature in the warmer summer months. If you’re dehydrated and don’t have enough water to sweat and cool yourself off, then you’re in danger of overheating! This can be called heat exhaustion, which can lead to more dangerous health conditions if not taken care of properly. #6. Lubrication! All the joints in your body have lubrication and water is vital to the production of this lubrication! Your spinal cord, eyes, ears and brain are also dependent on hydration for proper functioning! #7. Elimination Your body’s two main avenues to eliminate waste products are through bowel movements and urination! The more water you drink, the easier it is for your body to eliminate the waste and avoid the buildup of waste products that would otherwise buildup in the body, poison it and cause discomfort and disease. #8. Improved Digestion! No one likes to feel a heavy stomach, bloating or gas. Staying hydrated with water (away from meals), helps your body digest your food, by contributing to your saliva, as well as contributing to a healthy environment in your digestive tract. #9. Stronger Immunity! Everyone wants to be nice and healthy, to be able to enjoy the beautiful weather! Drinking water helps to keep the fluid in your lymphatic system flowing efficiently, removing waste and fighting off infections! Eat well, stay hydrated, be physically active and enjoy your summer to the fullest! ~Dr. Sarah Vincent, ND |
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