Supplementing with Green First
![]() We all know we need to eat them. 5- 10 servings a day, eat the rainbow etc, etc. I can feel you tuning out already. Wait! Listen up. I’m going to remind you of why “eat your vegetables” has never been more true, and show you the simplest way of increasing your intake. Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that help protect us from heart disease and stroke, help control blood pressure and prevent some types of cancer. They reduce inflammation and increase our immunity and energy. We know that fresh is always best, but sometimes that just does not happen. That’s where Greens First supplement comes in to save the day. It helps to fill the nutrition gaps that occur as a result of our busy lifestyles, depleted soil and S.A.D diets. The Facts on Greens First Supplement □ Nutrient rich, phytonutrient & antioxidant superfood □ Provides 49 different super foods, extracts and concentrates - think vegetables, probiotics, solouble and insoluble fibers, herbs, spices and natural flavonoids and enzymes □ Reduces inflammation & promote healing □ Boosts immunity & improves digestion □ Balances blood sugar levels & supports weight management By starting your day with Greens First you are choosing to maximize you health and improve your overall well-being. And “How you start your day is how you live your day, and how you live your day is the way you live your life.” Louise L. Hay. Drink on its own and enjoy its unexpected great taste or add it to a smoothie. Green Machine Smoothie Vegan, Gluten free, Dairy Free, Corn Free, Nut Free, Egg Free Prep Time: 5 minutes Total time: 5 minutes Serves: 2 Description: This smoothie has superpowers. Its green goodness not only helps you to meet your vegetable quota, but also keeps you regular (wink), increases energy levels, boosts immunity and keeps unhealthy food cravings at bay. Green tea packs a serious antioxidant punch - helping to fight the effects of aging and promote longevity. Green Power! Ingredients: 1 ½ cups brewed green tea 2 generous handfuls of spinach 1 banana ½ cucumber- peeled and chopped 1 cup pineapple 2-3 ice cubes 1 scoop Greens First Directions: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Optional: 1 tbsp hemp hearts 1 tbsp chia seeds Quick Tips: Peel & freeze the banana for an extra cool and creamy smoothie. Claire LeGresley, RHN
6 Ways to Charge up your Energy
By: Dr. Albert Huang, DC ![]() Got the winter blues? Have a long day ahead of you? Are you feeling a little fatigued? If this sounds familiar, try giving your body a quick energy boost with these 6 uplifting tips. 1) Start your day with a balanced breakfast - A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition showed that, 'a high-fiber, high-carbohydrate meal was associated with the highest level of alertness between breakfast and lunch.' The combination of fiber and carbohydrates provides energy in both the short and long-term. For breakfast try having some complex carbohydrates in the form of whole wheat toast or high-fiber cereal with seeds or nuts. Add some yogurt with berries to get your protein, vitamins, and probiotics. A well-balanced, nutrient-dense breakfast is essential for your day's success! 2) Go for a walk - Sitting for prolonged periods causes blood circulation to decrease. A reduction in blood flow reduces gas and nutrient exchange causing fatigue. Recharge your system with a quick 5-10 minute walk. A brisk walk ramps up blood circulation and stimulates your nervous system. Changing up your static work environment or scenery with a walk can be invigorating for the senses. 3) Breathing Techniques and Meditation - The constant bombardment of environmental stimuli, stress, and busy lifestyle never provides a chance for our minds to relax. We often get in the habit of overworking and over-thinking which leads to over-exertion. This can negatively lead to a burn out or mental and physical exhaustion. Take a few minutes out from your day to restore your energy and calm the mind. Practice some simple breath work or meditation by concentrating on the body's life force, known as prana. Sit on the floor in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Sense the present moment and become aware of your physical body. Breathe in deeply through your nose and visualize your whole body filling with radiance and energy. Exhale; let go of any thoughts, tensions, or stress. 4) Power up with a Smoothie - Blending your favourite fruits and vegetables together with some protein powder, yogurt, and flax will provide you the right nutrition to get you through your day. The combination of protein, fiber, and mixed carbohydrates will increase your blood glucose in a sustained way to provide lasting energy. The vitamins and minerals will help keep you balanced and energized. Get a cup with a lid so you can refrigerate the smoothie and have it for a mid-day snack. 5) Music is the Answer - Make a play-list of your favourite uplifting songs and hit play whenever you start feeling low on energy. A good song can instantly boost your psyche and put you in a better state of mind. Neuroscientist have found that music has a positive effect on your immune system and stress levels. Music reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels; the stress hormone. A little two-step could give you the energy surge you need! 6) Find some Sun - Long winters and a lack of sun make for a bad combination leading to SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. Symptoms of SAD include tiredness, depression, difficulty concentrating, lowered sex drive to name a few. Sunlight boosts our serotonin levels which enhances our happiness. Sunlight also increases the body's natural production of vitamin D which helps strengthen bones, the immune system, and controls hormonal function. Try stepping outside for 5-10 minutes when the sun is shining to bask in its rays. Alternatively, this is the perfect excuse to take a vacation somewhere down south where the sun is glowing. Catch some Z's - Sleep for Restoration
![]() Most people need about 8 hours of sleep to properly rejuvenate. Sleep helps balance hormones, especially hunger hormones which can help with weight management. Sleeping is not over-rated! Waking up from a good nights sleep can set your mood for the day. During sleep, blood pressure is decreased and your heart gets a chance to rest so to speak. Transitioning through circadian sleep cycles allows your body and brain to communicate conscious and unconscious thoughts. This processing allows your stress to be released the natural way. You heard it here, sleep your stresses away! As we catch some Z's, we unconsciously consolidate and revisit our daily thoughts and experiences from our 'awake' periods which in doing so helps solidify our memory. This consolidation process during sleep acts to improve memory, brain processing, and learning. A tired and sluggish mind is not as alert and attentive as a well rested mind. Sleep is our outlet for restoration, recovery, and healing. A 2010 study found that C-reactive protein, which is associated with heart attack risk, was higher in people who got 6 hours or less of sleep per night. Sleep lowers the body's inflammatory response and in doing so lowers your risk of getting a stroke, heart disease, inflammatory diseases, and diabetes. The next time you are low on energy, try sneaking in a short nap. Efficient or 'power naps', I like to call them can quickly help re-charge your battery. Sometimes our bodies just need a little time to decompress and relax. A short nap can help take your mind off of the daily grind and re-focus your thoughts and attention. With this said, a power nap is not a 2+ hour daily nap; be effective with your time and sometimes the best time management involves a little snooze. By: Albert Huang, DC ![]() The 4 Super Detox Spices you need to feel lighter, more energy and your best self! By: Piera Bonventre H.D, C.N.C, C.P.T Cleansing the body and “doing a detox” may seem like the new cool trendy thing to do. However it has been an ancient healing practice, given to us by the great healers of the past. Eastern medicine in particular relies intensely on the principles of using the natural fruits of our earth like herbs and spices to help the body release harmful toxins. Toxins in our air, water, and food impedes the body's functions, the mind's thought processes and the entire energetic system. The earth has given us powerfully healing substances like spices and herbs which are potent and concentrated plant source medicines. The best spices for cleansing are those that have a warming effect, which encourages elimination, assimilation and regeneration of all the cells in the body. Warming herbs also increase the metabolism and augment the weight loss affects of a good cleansing detox. The following 4 super spices are included in the Spice Trader's Detox Kit. These work synergistically to help the body eliminate toxins in a gentle, and healthy way. Remember that a detox must include a healthy diet composed of mainly fruits, veggies, and plenty amounts of filtered water and herbal teas. This allows the body to channel all energy into elimination and not into the actual digestion of food. Best results are also seen when all caffeine is cut out as well. Cayenne Pepper: The power of this spice lies in it's content of capsaicin, a potent stimulating phytochemical. It stimulates the digestive system and in particular the main detoxifying organ – our liver! By aiding this organ to do it's own natural thing, we assist the body to eliminate toxins, excess fats, and increase the enzymatic functions of the liver. Also Cayenne is a high source of Vitamin C, and as an anti oxidant it will help neutralize any free radicals released and strengthen the immune system while your body is going through the cleansing process. How to use it best: Every morning, and before breakfast, consume a warm glass of water, with a pinch of cayenne and a spritz of fresh lemon juice. Wait at least half hour before eating your first meal of the day. Cayenne is great because it can also be added to the cleansing diet, which tends to be somewhat bland. Sprinkle it in your veggies stews, in brown rice or quinoa pilafs or on avocado for a hot treat. Ginger: I love this herb! It is rich in nutrients that help feed the body and protect it from inflammation, digestive upsets like nausea, and helps release toxins stored in the colon. The reason the Japanese combine ginger with raw sushi, is that it helps break down the protein and helps kill any possible bacteria present in the fish. So it's obvious how this anti bacterial property is so complimentary to our efforts to cleanse old stored toxins and debris from our bodies. Ginger also will help diminish any potential side affects that come with a cleansing program like nausea, or digestive upset due to the detoxifying effects. How to use it best: A pinch of ginger daily added to your morning cayenne water is ideal. The ginger will help the digestive system rev up and be ready for the day. Ginger can also be added to a green juice drink, like kale and cucumber as a great revitalizing snack between your main meals of the day. Use ginger after a meal as well, to help digest and break down your food thereby helping your body during the cleansing process. Rosemary: This is a powerhouse herb! It is antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral, and has a profound decongesting affect on the liver. The liver can become congested with toxins from an unhealthy diet of processed food, alcohol, nicotine, and overeating of sugars and fats. Our colons can also be a breeding ground for nasty bugs and fungus. Rosemary will ensure these are kept in check. It will also stimulate the circulation thereby shuttling out waste out the colon more efficiently. Also noteworthy is it's ability to increase the circulation to the brain. This is quite helpful when on a detox because we can often feel mentally foggy from the effects of releasing so many toxins at once. How to use it best: Rosemary can be added to many foods like soups and casseroles during cooking. Also it gives a nice aromatic lift to a green smoothie or juice drink. Tumeric: Tumeric deserves huge high fives all around. I'm a big promoter of this herb to my clients because it is immensely effective for combatting joint and overall systemic inflammation. It's high anti oxidant content fights free radical damage and gives you more youthful skin. It also supports the liver by increasing its enzymatic activity, so you can lose those excess pounds more efficiently. The active ingredient is curcumin and scientific research substantiates it's beneficial effects for healing arthritis, muscle and joint pains from injuries, overuse or from being overweight. Curcumin being a great anti inflammatory will also aid those with cardiac conditions and heart disease. It heals the walls of the arteries and helps keep them free of inflammation. Less inflammation in the body means you can help your body prevent illness or chronic disease. How to use it best: The golden colour and deeply aromatic nature of Tumeric lends itself best to simpler dishes and meals. This makes transitioning to a new healthy diet much more pleasing because you won't sacrifice the flavour and can make some delicious tasting dishes. Add into simmering veggies stews, brown rice and quinoa dishes and especially goes well with plain tofu giving it a more robust flavour. Use small amounts as a little goes a long way. Also the pungency of tumeric intensifies the longer it is cooked. To help increase digestion after a meal, and as a cleansing tool add a ¼ teaspoon to a warm glass of water, and also add a pinch of ginger, and squeeze of lemon juice. The key to wellness and great health is in prevention. By using the herbs and spices in this kit, you will nourish the body and help it detoxify in a more gentle but effective way. Remember to drink plenty of filtered water, and eat a “clean” diet by eliminating animal products (including dairy), wheat, sugar, and all processed foods. Without a solid and healthful diet the cleansing effects will be lost. Enjoy spicing it up and many wishes of wellness to you all. |
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