A Naturopathic Celebration
By: Courtney Holmberg, ND ![]() July 1st 2015, marks a big day for all Naturopathic Doctors as they not only do get to celebrate the birth of our great nation, but also a huge step forward for the profession of Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario. The Naturopathic Profession transitions from the Drugless Practitioners Act to the Regulated Health Professions Act, which has been underway for nearly two decades. Today, Naturopaths join nearly 300,000 other health professionals as equal partners in the management and care of Ontarians' health. Today, Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario gain the official DR. title under the Naturopathy Act, 2007. This would not have been possible without the advocacy of patients who participated in the email campaigns and who spoke the their MPPs and the Ministry of Health about the importance of Naturopathic Medicine to their health care. Your efforts have helped not only advance the profession, but also ensure that there were no limitation to the scope of practice for Naturopaths in Ontario, and the profession thanks you. A more detailed overview of the laboratory testing available to naturopathic doctors, and the list of restricted substances may be accessed by clicking the associated links. A NOTE TO MY PATIENTS: Changes to scope means a new set of regulations and examinations. Be assured that I am working hard to complete all necessary examinations to ensure continuity of care to my patients. For the time being, intramuscular injections will not be offered within the clinic, but may still be available for self injection if required. I look forward to a future where holistic and allopathic medicine functions in complement to one another, as we are one step closer to inter-professional collaboration. Please stay connected for more information as it becomes available. See the OAND's new release here. For any outstanding questions, you may contact me here. Here's to stepping forwards, together. Sincerely, Courtney Holmberg, ND
1 Week Enlightenment Challenge
![]() Does winter have you in a rut? Do you feel like you are just going through the same routine day in day out? Come join us in our 1 week challenge! The purpose is simple; engaging our mind and body in proactive behavior. This challenge can be modified to your own standards and redesigned week after week with your creativity and personal goals. Day 1 - Squat Challenge- Do 100 squats today! It doesn't have to be all at once but reach 100 before the end of the day. Day 2 - Drink 8 glasses (2 L) of water today. Spice up your water by adding sliced cucumber, wedges of lime or lemon, and/ or fresh mint leaves. ![]() Day 3 - PINS Challenge - Reflect to find one Positive, one Insightful, one Negative, and one Surprising experience you had today. What did you learn and how can you use this to become better tomorrow? Day 4 - Read for 20-30 minutes today. Start a new book or read an article of interest. Day 5 - Give a compliment to one friend or family member, one colleague, and one random person today. Day 6 - 2 Part Challenge - 1) Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep tonight. 2) Devote 10 minutes to self-time. Focus on your breath, practice meditation, or reflect in silence during this time. Be present, be still, be calm. Day 7 - Push, jump, sit challenge - Do 50 Push-ups, 50 Jumping Jacks, and 50 Sit-ups. You have 10 minutes to complete all 150. Finish by holding plank position for as long as you can! 5 Healthy Habits to pick up
By: Albert Huang, DC ![]() It's a new year and its time to kick the bad habits and replace them with some new fancy ones! Always strive to be better then you were yesterday. Find your groove and get in a healthy routine with these 5 game changing attitudes. 1) Wake up early - The most productive people are early risers. Getting out of bed in the early hours of the day provides you more time to get things done. Use the first 30-60 minutes of your day for self time. Stimulate your mind and body with a routine of grooming, breakfast, daily news, reading or writing, and self-reflection. Avoid using the computer and cell phone, you have the rest of your day for that. Wake up on the right foot and conquer your day by planning out your objectives and daily goals! 2) Regular Exercise - Staying active is a vital component to a healthy lifestyle and a happy mind. Try exercising daily to stimulate brain activity, blood circulation, muscle growth, and nervous system development. If you can't work out daily strive for 4-5 times a week. Staying physically active has many health benefits such as, improved mood, weight control, stress relief, increased energy, heightened libido, better sleep, and reduced risk of illness and disease. 3) Positive Thinking - The grass is always green! Thoughts are subjective which means they can be controlled by your mind. Negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes which induce a stress response in your body. Eliminate limiting thoughts and replace them with positive thinking. There are always three sides to a story, the negative interpretation, the positive interpretation, and the best interpretation. French philosopher Rene Descartes said it best, "I think therefore I am." Start filling your mind with wishful thinking and the universe will respond with positive vibes. 4) Separate Work and Play - There comes a time when the best thing to do is to take a vacation or some time off of work. Working 5, 6, 7 days a week over an extended period will eventually lead to a burn out. You can't drive a car 24/7, 365 days a year without it breaking down, so how can you expect your body to do the same? Your body needs down time to recover. If you only focus on work your whole life, you lose your true purpose of being. Find the right balance between work and leisure. Travelling or self-exploration can revitalize your mind, spark creativity, and boost work productivity in the long run! 5) Quiet Time - We are constantly bombarded with never ending stimulus! Limit your tech time; reduce the amount of time in front of your television, laptop, and cell phone. The radiation and bright lights from these tech devices place undue strain on your eyes and brain activity. Slow down for even 5-10 minutes a day in a quiet place where you can focus on your breathing and self-awareness. Find stress relief and inner peace with meditation, yoga, tai chi, or proactive napping. Unwind with a book before bed to calm the mind and nourish your soul. By: Erin Ziprick, RMT ![]() Is your Resolution in the New Year to take better care of yourself? Instead of focusing on the outcomes, why not set your sights on the process in 2015 and making short term goals throughout the year to ensure you are successful. Massage is a proactive approach to preventative medicine as much as exercise and eating healthy. You are making yourself a priority and caring for your body, mind and spirit. By adding massage into your routine it will help increase health and overall wellness. Here are 5 ways massage helps: ![]() 1) Stress reduction: “Experts estimate upwards of 90% of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress.” This can translate into * Decreased anxiety * Enhanced sleep quality * Increased energy * Improved concentration *Increased circulation * Reduced fatigue The emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as valuable as the physical benefits. 2) Back Pain: Back pain is an important health problem that affects the majority of the public and is the most common medical condition for which people use complementary and alternative medicine practices. Massage as been shown to be an effective treatment for back pain. 3) Strengthens your Immune System: Massage therapy can strengthen your immune system by stimulating the lymph system, the body’s natural defense. And by using “long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration, and tapping” will improve the body’s hormonal response and immune function. An increase in white blood cells and naturally killer-cell activity better prepares the body to fight off invading cells. 4) Injury prevention Regular massage treatments can help you get back to your activity sooner and help prevent any new injuries from occurring. Massage increases circulation to the muscles and tissues. With increased blood circulation, the nutrients are distributed throughout the body. An increase in circulation will then help repair tissues and quicken the healing process. Therefore, the muscles begin to relax and soften, increase joint mobility and range of motion, and decrease spasms and cramping. 5) Migraines and Headaches “A 2008 pilot study involving 16 participants suggested that massage may be beneficial in reducing the frequency of tension type headaches as well as the intensity and duration of pain.” Massage treatments which are performed on a regular basis, can help keep the body at it’s optimal level of relaxation and stress relief. By focusing on the head, neck and shoulders, massage can decrease the pain and discomfort brought on by a migraine and headache. For more information about Headaches and migraines, please go to the following link. Overall, making short term goals and having a plan to incorporate massage treatments into your schedule will help you in feeling your best self throughout the upcoming year. Communicate with your massage therapist to customize a treatment plan that works the best in your schedule and stick with it. Consider it a necessary piece to your health and wellness in 2015! References: http://www.massagetherapy.com/learnmore/benefits.php 12/19/14 http://nccam.nih.gov/research/results/spotlight/070411.htm 12/19/14 http://nccam.nih.gov/research/results/spotlight/090110.htm 12/19/14 http://www.massagetherapy.com/learnmore/benefits.php 12/29/14 6 Health Benefits with Chiropractic Care
By: Albert Huang, DC ![]() What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word chiropractic? Did you instantly think back or neck pain? Adjustment? Spinal health? Most people would associate going to a chiropractor with the aforementioned. Certainly, chiropractors perform adjustments and yes, chiropractic is effective in reducing back pain but is there anything more that they can help you with above and beyond spinal health? Let's explore the 6 Biggest Benefits of Chiropractic Care: 1) Stress Relief Studies show that chronic stress is related to disease onset and negative health effects. Stress is a sympathetic reaction that triggers a fight or flight response in the body. The inability to cope with stress overtime results in muscle tightness, fatigue, and nerve irritation. Chiropractor's can help lessen stress through body work, breathing techniques, and exercise prescription. Spinal adjustments can also help the body return to a more balanced, relaxed state by improving neurological function and adaptability. 2) Pain Management Chiropractic is a safe, natural, and drug-free approach to pain management. Research has shown this treatment option to be effective in reducing headaches, back, and neck pain. The goal with therapy is to address the root cause of the pain and improve function. 3) Healthier Brain function & Mind-Body connection Your brain is the master controller and orchestrates everything that happens in your body. Your attention, cognitive processing, learning, motor-control, breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion are all controlled by your brain and nerve system. Spinal misalignments may cause nerve interference and lead to mind-body dissociation. The intent of chiropractic treatment is to alleviate aberrant forces and optimize communication between the nervous system to the rest of your body. When your brain and nerve system function well, your body functions well. 4) Better Posture Chances are that you spend at least half of your day sitting. Since, humans weren't built to sit for extended periods, the majority of us experience postural changes and strains. Poor posture is related to fatigue, decreased productivity, back and neck pain. Your chiropractor is trained to provide exercise recommendations, stretches, ergonomic and lifestyle counselling, physical therapy and rehabilitative procedures to improve your musculoskeletal system and posture. 5) Improved Sex, Libido, & Reproduction Sexual function once again stems from the ability of the nervous system and endocrine to perform well. Proper communication by nerve signalling between your sex organs, hormonal center, and musculoskeletal system are important for libido health and sexual function. So how are the endocrine and nervous system linked? A part of the brain called the hypothalamus connects these two essential systems. The hypothalamus regulates basic needs such as sleep, hunger, thirst, stress response, and sex. This is why people under chiropractic care often report improvement in things like depression, anxiety, sleep patterns, energy levels, sexual performance, and reproductive function. 6) Optimize Body Performance and Overall Health The body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism that knows how to repair and preserve itself. The body heals itself through cellular processes that are directly controlled by the nervous system. It will do this as long as there is no interference in the nerve flow to the tissues. Some of the most impacting areas of chiropractic medicine include improved circulation, relaxation. better performance, enhanced mobility, and faster recovery time. Your chiropractic doctor will thoroughly assess your overall health and if they discover underlying health problems or conditions that are outside of their area of expertise, they will refer you to a medical professional who can help you. Book your appointment today and find out first hand what other benefits chiropractic can offer you! ![]() We’re back to our spring goals – this week, focusing on shaping up! There’s no question that exercise plays a vital role in a vibrant life. Cardiovascular and resistance training promote weight loss, reduce stress, improve mood & boost confidence – now that’s what I’m talking about! However, if just hearing the word exercise makes you cringe, you can never seem to find the time or you just can’t seem to stick with it – it’s time to integrate these 3 tips and re-discover your movement potential. Plus the foods that will help fuel you to the fullest. You’ll be moving like a maniac, maaaaniac in no time! 1) Ask yourself: What type of movement do I actually enjoy doing? Exercise does not need to happen in a gym, on a treadmill or in a fitness class. If that type of activity inspires you – by all means, go for it. If it doesn’t however, take a step back and think of what does. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to move, it’s most likely because you haven’t found what works for you. Make an effort to find out what does because when you do, not only will you stick with it, but look forward to it. 2) Set a realistic goal This is HUGE (all caps huge).When coming up with a movement plan, ask yourself: on a scale from 1 – 10, how realistic is it that I will actually accomplish this goal? Then, scale back this goal until you reach 10. In doing so, you’re setting yourself up for success. Why? "Because small targets lead to small victories, and small victories can often trigger a positive spiral of behaviour." Heck yes! 3) Reward yourself Each week you accomplish your movement goal – reward yourself. Small incentives play a key role in sustainable change. By reinforcing your positive behaviours with a reward, you are stimulating the pleasure centre of your brain, which will help provide motivation when needed most. What will your reward be? Foods that Fuel Pre activity: a snack made of mostly carbohydrates and protein. □ Small baked potato topped with Greek Yogurt + dash of cinnamon Post activity: a balanced meal of carbohydrates and protein, without the fat, to help repair muscles after exercise. □ Protein shake: 1 c. coconut water, ½ c. berries, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tbsp chia seeds Claire LeGresley, RHN By: Dr. Albert Huang, DC ![]() At the beginning of the year, you might have set a few goals or new years resolutions to make this year the best one yet. Have you been sticking to your plans? Are you doing the things you said you were going to be doing? Well, the guilty matter is that most of us forget to challenge ourselves on a daily basis to achieve the goals we set forth. It's always a good idea to re-visit some of our thoughts and motives to keep the inspiration alive. Spend 5-10 minutes today and write out your personal, business, health, and fitness goals. Check them daily and go for it! Repetition makes habits and habits shape the person you are. Instead of saying, 'I wish' or 'I want', start with I WILL. Dr. Mike Evans illustrates a great visual video depiction on the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle on our health. Staying on top of our health by making responsible and preventative choices is the proactive way to achieve lifetime wellness. Exercise and physical activity stimulates our heart and bodily systems to stay in good function. Any amount of physical activity is better than none, so no more excuses, lets get active!
Watch the Documentary "DOCTORED"
![]() Take a look at our Health Care system from a different perspective. Empower your natural innate abilities to heal and thrive. Be proactive in your health and take a holistic approach to your life; natural medicine, healthy eating, proper rest, exercise, breathe, live. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this documentary, "DOCTORED". Visit, this link to watch "DOCTORED" (Use our account to log in) Email: [email protected] Password: platinumhealth Please watch with an open mind - Note: there is a time and place for both Western Medicine and Natural Medicine. |
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